What’s being done to combat cyber threats targeting the petrochemical, oil and gas industries?
The headlines are worrisome and increasingly frequent. Time and again, the business community is successfully targeted by enterprising cyber profiteers who hack into corporate...
Building ‘a rig’ to save the coast
THE IDEA: A Baton Rouge-based nonprofit called the Restoration Initiative in the Gulf (RIG) Foundation has gone public with a unique new coastal restoration...
As cost overruns plague Gulf Coast projects, owners look for answers
Anyone in industry will tell you cost overruns are the norm rather than the exception in the dynamic world of refinery and chemical plant...
Insight: Low-cost hydrocarbons continue to benefit the Gulf Coast
Recent announcements by ExxonMobil and Wanhua Chemical Group prove that the Gulf Coast region, and Louisiana in particular, continues to be an attractive location...
Louisiana’s ‘Rigs to Reefs’ program is a win-win for industry the Gulf
While in its essence an environmental solution, the practice of converting offshore platforms into artificial reefs is usually a matter of financial common sense....
A $670 million pipeline through south Louisiana is ready to go, but its owners...
As the second phase of the contentious Bayou Bridge pipeline awaits permit approval from state and federal agencies, the entirety of the pipe has...
David Dismukes: Reading the tea leaves
On Nov. 30, OPEC heralded a new agreement to reduce the cartel’s collective production, in concert with many other large producing, non-OPEC states, by...
Industry confidence is buoyed by expectations of a business-friendly Trump administration
An odd mixture of apprehension and anticipation permeates the industrial market in the wake of Donald Trump’s election, as leaders wait to see just...
Seventy-year-old Danos is an institution in the oilfield services industry
It’s about 1960 or so, and Hank Danos—not even 13 years old—is piloting an oil rig crew boat for his father’s service company down...
Insiders identify critical issues for Louisiana industry
To identify and discuss issues they feel will be most impactful, a four-member panel convened last fall at L’Auberge Casino in Baton Rouge during...