CITGO Lake Charles conducts ‘Worst Case Drill’

The CITGO Lake Charles Manufacturing Complex completed a “Worst Case Drill” in July in order to prepare and train employees, reports KTBS News.

The plant holds a drill annually, with every third year being a Worst Case Drill. The exercise includes a pretend worst case scenario at the refinery. Employees and partners must respond to the situation in a simulated environment over the course of three days. Refinery protocol and procedures are actively followed in real time during the simulation.

CITGO Lake Charles Manufacturing Complex Vice President and General Manager Jerry Dunn says the Worst Case Drill creates an environment for CITGO to practice how to handle real-life, tough situations.

In the process, CITGO partnered with agencies including the U.S. Coast Guard, Louisiana State Police, Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and others.

“These types of exercises and training allow us to assess preparedness and improve our response and contingency plans,” says Commander Nicole Rodriguez, U.S. Coast Guard. Read the full story.