Republican leaders take swing at Biden’s energy policy

A diesel refinery in south Louisiana was the backdrop last week for a handful of Republican governors to denounce the president’s energy policy, Louisiana Illuminator reports.

In a letter to the White House, 20 GOP state leaders call for the president “to pursue an all-of-the-above energy approach that will promote homegrown energy that benefits all Americans.”

On Monday, eight of the 20 governors, including Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry, shared their strategy to “unleash American energy,” largely based on talking points from the letter. Their requests include broad measures such as easing regulatory pressure on the fossil fuel industry and prioritizing technology. They also call on the feds to expand both onshore and offshore energy lease sales as well as for an end to Biden’s moratorium on permits for liquid natural gas export facilities.

There is a direct correlation between consumer inflation and the Biden administration’s approach to energy and environmental policy, according to Landry.

“If the federal government took its foot off of the neck of American energy, we could absolutely lower the cost of everyday goods to American citizens,” Landry says.

Read the full story.