Lake Charles Driftwood LNG at issue as Trump visits India

President Donald Trump and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi shake hands in Ahmedabad, India. (The Associated Press/Alex Brandon)

President Donald Trump may have gotten the bigger headlines for his visit to India on Monday, but those in the energy industry were watching another visitor, the Houston Chronicle reports: Tellurian.

The company is building Driftwood LNG export terminal in Lake Charles, and was working to finalize the details of a $2.5 billion supply deal with India’s Petronet by the end of March. Tellurian had a team in India during the president’s visit, the newspaper reports.

In September, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Houston was the backdrop for the signing of a memorandum of understanding between Tellurian and Petronet LNG.

Under the proposed deal with Tellurian, Petronet has pledged to invest $2.5 billion in the Driftwood LNG project in exchange for the rights to 5 million metric tons of LNG per year over the life of the project.

If the facility lands contracts and financing, it will be able to build a facility capable of producing and exporting up to 27.6 million tons of LNG per year.

The Houston Chronicle has the full story.